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Little Wildcat Mountain
Bean's Purchase, New Hampshire

Little Wildcat Mountain in 2010

The 3,321 foot Little Wildcat Mountain is a northern subpeak of Wildcat Mountain. Recreation in the vicinity dates back to at least the middle of the nineteenth century, when the Glen House and Mount Washington Carriage Road opened. As winter sports took off, Pinkham Notch and the Glen House attracted skiers. With a vertical drop of nearly 1,700 feet, three alpine ski trails were cleared on Little Wildcat in 1933, possibly with CCC involvement. Hans Thorner established the Mt. Washington Swiss Ski School in Pinkham Notch in 1938 and may have set slalom courses the Katzensteig Ski Trail on Little Wildcat.

Trails on Little Wildcat Mountain
Katzensteig Ski Trail circa 1937

Go-Back Ski Trail - Abandoned
Perhaps the most gradual of the three main Little Wildcat trails, the Go-Back Ski Trail traversed across the lower western slope. Likely abandoned in 1938.

Katzensteig Ski Trail - Abandoned
The direct route from Little Wildcat to the Glen House, the Katzensteig Ski Trail was considered the most challenging of the three main trails on Little Wildcat. Slalom courses may have been set on this trail. Possibly abandoned circa World War II.

Wildcat Col Ski Trail - Abandoned
The Wildcat Col Trail had less vertical and pitch than the nearby Katzensteig Ski Trail. Likely abandoned in 1938.


" Go-Back Ski Trail. This trail extends E. and S., up-grade, from Pinkham Notch Road at the top of the hill near Nineteen-Mile Brook bridge 1 m. N. of the Glen House, to a point on the Wildcat Col Ski Trail about 0.9 m. from Pinkham Notch Road, crossing at 1 m. and 1 1/2 m. respectively from its N. end, the Aqueduct Path and the Katzensteig Ski Trail. This trail is a wood-road 2.2 m. long, rising 800 ft. It is suitable for all classes of skiers when covered with 8 or 10 inches of snow. Time: ascending 1 1/2 hrs., descending 1 hr. "
The A.M.C. White Mountain Guide, 1934, p. 124

" Katzensteig Ski Trail. This trail extends from a point immediately back of the Glen House S.E. to the summit of Little Wildcat Mt., where it joins the Wildcat Col Ski Trail. About 0.3 m. from the Glen House it crosses the Go-Back Ski Trail. Its lower end is a wood-road and its upper part is 15 to 50 ft. wide. It requires 12 inches of packed snow, is 1.3 m. long and rises 1,640 ft. It is for expert skiers only. Time: ascending 2 hrs., descending 15 min. "
The A.M.C. White Mountain Guide, 1934, p. 125

" Wildcat Col Ski Trail. This Trail extends from a point on the E. side of Pinkham Notch Road 2 m. N. of Pinkham Notch Camp and 1 m. S. of the Glen House to a point on the Katzensteig Ski Trail on Little Wildcat Mt. about 1.9 m. E. It crosses the Pinkham Notch Ski Trail about 1/4 m. from the road. At a point 0.9 m. from the road the Wildcat Col Ski Trail turns up to the R., while the Go-Back Ski Trail continues straight ahead. This trail requires 10 inches of packed snow and is suitable for intermediate and expert skiers. It rises 1,580 ft. The lower portion is a wood-road, the balance a trail 15 to 30 ft. wide. Time: ascending 1 hr., descending 20 min. "
The A.M.C. White Mountain Guide, 1934, p. 125-126

" Go-Back Trail (WMNF)
1. Location - Start either from H. 16 about .5 mi. S. of Glen House, from Aqueduct Path or from Katzensteig Trail. Connects with Wildcat Col Trail and hence to summit of Little Wildcat Mt.
2. Length - 2.2 mi.
3. Width - 12-15'.
4. Max. Grade - About 11º.
5. Vertical Drop - 1300'.
6. Exposure - N. 10" snow.
7. Very easy novice trail.
Skiing New Hampshire, 1935-1936

" Katzensteig Trail (WMNF)
1. Location - Starts behind Glen House and goes to summit of Little Wildcat Mt.
2. Length - 1.3 mi.
3. Width - 15-50'.
4. Max. Grade - 28º.
5. Vertical Drop - 1600'.
6. Exposure - N.W. 20" snow.
7. Lower .25 mi. is for the intermediate skier and the rest is suitable for the advanced.
Skiing New Hampshire, 1935-1936

" Wildcat Col Trail (WMNF)
1. Location - Runs E. from H. 16 about 1 mi. S. of Glen House
2. Length - 1.9 mi.
3. Width - 15-30'.
4. Max. Grade - 26º.
5. Vertical Drop - 1500'.
6. Exposure - W. 18" snow.
7. Intermediate trail linking with the Katzensteig Trail at the summit of Little Wildcat Mt.
Skiing New Hampshire, 1935-1936

" Go-Back Trail (W.M.N.F.). Start either from State 16 about 1 m. N. of Glen House, from Aqueduct Path, or from Katzensteig Trail. Connects with Wildcat Col Trail, and thence to summit of Little Wildcat Mt. Length 2.2 m. Max grade about 11º. Very easy novice trail. "
New Hampshire: A Guide to the Granite State, 1938, p.530

" Katzensteig Trail (W.M.N.F.). Starts behind Glen House and goes to summit of Little wildcat Mt. Length 1.3 m. Max grade 28º. Lower 0.25 m. is for the intermediate skier, and the rest is suitable for the advanced. "
New Hampshire: A Guide to the Granite State, 1938, p.530

" Wildcat Col Trail (W.M.N.F.). Runs E. from State 16 about 1 m. S. of Glen House. Length 1.9 m. Max. grade 26º. Intermediate trail linking with the Katzensteig Trail at summit of Little Wildcat Mt. "
New Hampshire: A Guide to the Granite State, 1938, p.531

" Before the hurricane, it was decided to abandon some of the ski trails which had little use. The following trails in the White Mountain National Forest will no longer be maintained by the Forest Service.
Pinkham Notch--Hopper Loop, south
Hopper Loop, north
Wildcat Col Trail
Go-Back Trail
Appalachia, December 1938, p. 267-268

" Katzensteig Ski Trail. This Trail extends from a point immediately back of the Glen House SE to the summit of Little Wildcat Mtn. Its lower end is a wood-road and its upper part is 15 to 50 ft. wide. Distance 1.3 m. "
The A.M.C. White Mountain Guide, 1940, p. 120


Little Wildcat Mountain (Wildcat ski area located far right) as seen from the bottom of the Mt. Washington Auto Road (2012)
Little Wildcat Mountain (Wildcat ski area located far right) as seen from the bottom of the Mt. Washington Auto Road (2012)

1934 AMC map of Little Wildcat Mountain
1934 AMC map of Little Wildcat Mountain

1937 USGS map of Little Wildcat Mountain
1937 USGS map of Little Wildcat Mountain

1940 AMC map of Little Wildcat Mountain
1940 AMC map of Little Wildcat Mountain

1942 USGS map of Little Wildcat Mountain
1942 USGS map of Little Wildcat Mountain


  • Graham, C.L. "Some Ski Trails to be Abandoned in the White Mountain National Forest." Appalachia. December 1938.
  • New Hampshire: A Guide to the Granite State. Boston, MA: The Riverside Press, 1938.
  • New Hampshire Skiing. Concord, NH: State Planning and Development Commission, 1935.
  • Winter Work: The CCC and New England Skiing Chronology - New England Ski Museum

  • Last updated: July 22, 2020
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