North Side at King Pine
After operating for half a dozen ski seasons on the original double chair development, it was time to expand the area. While the original area had multiple novice and intermediate trails and slopes weaving through tall pines, it was lacking expert terrain.
A 1,220 foot long by 336 foot vertical new Hall double chairlift, the Black Bear, was installed on the north side of the peak for the 1968-69 season. The new lift extended King Pine's vertical drop and served trails of all abilities, including short, but steep expert trails.
After near 40 years of service, the Black Bear double was replaced for the 2006-2007 season with a new triple chairlift. A CTEC, the Black Bear Triple increased the uphill capacity on the north side by 400 people per hour.
 The 1962-63 King Pine trail map prior to the addition of the North Side
 The recently installed Black Bear Double in 1972
 The recently installed Black Bear Triple in 2007
 The recently installed Black Bear Triple in 2007
 The 2007 King Pine trail map
 The North Side base area in 2014
 The Black Bear Triple and Pine Brule trail in 2014
 The Black Bear Triple and Pine Brule trail in 2014
 The Pitch Pine Trail in 2014
Last updated: March 22, 2014
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